Go — 4

Link to Part 1: https://himashikarunathilake.medium.com/go-1-74940ce2556d
Link to Part 2: https://himashikarunathilake.medium.com/go-2-79dc2c04db26
Link to Part 3: https://himashikarunathilake.medium.com/go-3-acbfda8360ed
Given below is the main.go file that will be used to run all the sub files in this section:
// The fourth program in Go.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("*************** RUNNING THE MULTIPLICATION.GO FILE ***************")
fmt.Println("*************** RUNNING THE STRUCT.GO FILE ***************")
fmt.Println("*************** RUNNING THE MAPS.GO FILE ***************")
Functions in Go
Functions can be used to reuse code segments at various times by simply calling the function name when and where necessary. These functions prevent repetition of code blocks.
package main
import "fmt"
func multiply(num1, num2 int) int {
return num1 * num2
func Multiplication() {
fmt.Println("Performing multiplications..........")
var num1, num2 int
fmt.Print("Please provide the first number for the multiplication: ")
fmt.Print("Please provide the second number for the multiplication: ")
// Call the multiply() function
fmt.Println("The multiplication of the two numbers is: ", multiply(num1, num2))

Structs in Go are composite data types that allow you to define your own custom types by grouping together related fields. They provide a way to create complex data structures that can hold different types of values.
Defining a Struct
package main
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
Instances / Struct Literals
package main
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
func Struct() {
person := Person{
Name: "Rachael",
Age: 23,
Accessing Struct Fields
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
func Struct() {
// Create a new instance of the Person struct
person := Person{
Name: "Rachael",
Age: 23,
// Access and modify the fields of the Person struct instance
fmt.Println("Name of the individual: ", person.Name)
fmt.Println("Age of the individual: ", person.Age)
person.Age = 29
fmt.Println("Updated age of the individual: ", person.Age)

Struct Methods
Go allows you to define methods associated with structs that are functions that operate on instances of the struct.
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
func (person Person) SayHello() { // Define a method associated with the Person struct
fmt.Printf("Hi, %s!\n", person.Name)
func Struct() {
// Create a new instance of the Person struct
person := Person{
Name: "Rachael",
Age: 23,
// Access and modify the fields of the Person struct
fmt.Println("Name of the individual: ", person.Name)
fmt.Println("Age of the individual: ", person.Age)
person.Age = 29
fmt.Println("Updated age of the individual: ", person.Age)
// Call the SayHello() method on the Person struct

Struct Embedding
Struct embedding allows one struct to include another struct as a field, effectively inheriting its fields and methods.
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
type Employee struct { // Define another struct embedding the Person struct
EmployeeID int
func (person Person) SayHello() { // Define a method associated with the Person struct
fmt.Printf("Hi, %s!\n", person.Name)
func Struct() {
fmt.Println("==================== PERSON STRUCT ====================")
// Create a new instance of the Person struct
person := Person{
Name: "Rachael",
Age: 23,
// Access and modify the fields of the Person struct
fmt.Println("Name of the individual: ", person.Name)
fmt.Println("Age of the individual: ", person.Age)
person.Age = 29
fmt.Println("Updated age of the individual: ", person.Age)
// Call the SayHello() method on the Person struct
fmt.Println("==================== EMPLOYEE STRUCT ====================")
employee := Employee{
Person: Person{
Name: "Ross",
Age: 35,
EmployeeID: 003452,
fmt.Println("Here are your details.")
fmt.Println("Name: ", employee.Name)
fmt.Println("Age: ", employee.Age)
fmt.Println("Employee ID: ", employee.EmployeeID)

Anonymous Structs
Anonymous structs are structs without a defined name that are useful for temporary data structures or one-time use cases.
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct { // Define a struct
Name string
Age int
type Employee struct { // Define another struct embedding the Person struct
EmployeeID int
func (person Person) SayHello() { // Define a method associated with the Person struct
fmt.Printf("Hi, %s!\n", person.Name)
func Struct() {
fmt.Println("==================== PERSON STRUCT ====================")
// Create a new instance of the Person struct
person := Person{
Name: "Rachael",
Age: 23,
// Access and modify the fields of the Person struct
fmt.Println("Name of the individual: ", person.Name)
fmt.Println("Age of the individual: ", person.Age)
person.Age = 29
fmt.Println("Updated age of the individual: ", person.Age)
// Call the SayHello() method on the Person struct
fmt.Println("==================== EMPLOYEE STRUCT ====================")
employee := Employee{
Person: Person{
Name: "Ross",
Age: 35,
EmployeeID: 003452,
fmt.Println("Here are your details.")
fmt.Println("Name: ", employee.Name)
fmt.Println("Age: ", employee.Age)
fmt.Println("Employee ID: ", employee.EmployeeID)
fmt.Println("==================== PETDOG STRUCT ====================")
petDog := struct { // Create an anonymous struct
Name string
Breed string
Age int
Name: "Allie",
Breed: "Labrador",
Age: 2,
fmt.Println("Here are the details of your pet dog.")
fmt.Println("Name of pet dog: ", petDog.Name)
fmt.Println("Breed of pet dog: ", petDog.Breed)
fmt.Println("Age of pet dog: ", petDog.Age)

Maps in Go are unordered collections of key-value pairs, where each key must be unique within the map.
Declare and Initialize a Map
package main
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
Access Values by Key
package main
import "fmt"
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
// Access values by key
fmt.Println("Phoebe's Employee ID: ", employeeIDs["Phoebe"])

Add or Update Values
package main
import "fmt"
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
// Access values by key
fmt.Println("Phoebe's Employee ID: ", employeeIDs["Phoebe"])
// Add or update values
employeeIDs["Gunther"] = 1000007
employeeIDs["Chandler"] = 1000006
Delete a Key-Value Pair
package main
import "fmt"
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
// Access values by key
fmt.Println("Phoebe's Employee ID: ", employeeIDs["Phoebe"])
// Add or update values
employeeIDs["Gunther"] = 1000007
employeeIDs["Chandler"] = 1000006
// Delete a key-value pair
delete(employeeIDs, "Gunther")
Check if a Key Exists in the Map
package main
import "fmt"
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
// Access values by key
fmt.Println("Phoebe's Employee ID: ", employeeIDs["Phoebe"])
// Add or update values
employeeIDs["Gunther"] = 1000007
employeeIDs["Chandler"] = 1000006
// Delete a key-value pair
delete(employeeIDs, "Gunther")
// Check if a key exists in the map
employeeID, exists := employeeIDs["Monica"]
if exists {
fmt.Println("Monica's Employee ID: ", employeeID)

Iterate Over a Map
package main
import "fmt"
func Maps() {
// Declare and initialize a map
employeeIDs := map[string]int{
"Chandler": 1000000,
"Joey": 1000001,
"Monica": 1000002,
"Phoebe": 1000003,
"Rachael": 1000004,
"Ross": 1000005,
// Access values by key
fmt.Println("Phoebe's Employee ID: ", employeeIDs["Phoebe"])
// Add or update values
employeeIDs["Gunther"] = 1000007
employeeIDs["Chandler"] = 1000006
// Delete a key-value pair
delete(employeeIDs, "Gunther")
// Check if a key exists in the map
employeeID, exists := employeeIDs["Monica"]
if exists {
fmt.Println("Monica's Employee ID: ", employeeID)
// Iterate over the map
for name, empID := range employeeIDs {
fmt.Printf("%s's Employee ID: %d\n", name, empID)

You can access the source code at: Go/Part-4 at master · Himashi-Karunathilake/Go (github.com)
Link to Part 5: Go — 5. Modules | by Himashi Karunathilake | Jul, 2023 | Medium