Python — 2
Hi guys… 😍
This post will be a continuation of my previous post on Python that focused on the output statement and variables ( ). So lets get coding!
Lists are similar to arrays and can contain as many variables as necessary. In order to declare a list “fruits”:
If the elements have to be printed easily, the following piece of coding can be used:
Basic Operators
The arithmetic operators in Python is pretty much the same as with other languages:
+ → addition
- → subtraction
* → multiplication
/ → division
% → remainder
If a power relation has to be created, we can use **.
e.g., 5 ** 2 → means 5 to the power 2 (squared)
6 ** 3 → means 6 to the power 3 (cubed)
In the previous post we discussed how + is used for concatenating strings. Similarly, * can be used for multiplying a string for a number of times.
e.g., zoo = “monkeys “ * 100 → This statement will type “monkeys “ for a 100 times.
Lists can also be concatenated with + sign, where what happens is that all elements in the involved lists are combined to create a new , lengthened list.
Lists can also be used for repeating a string for a number of times using * sign.
e.g., print([1, 2, 3] * 5) → This statement would repeat the given set for 5 times.
String Formatting
In the previous post also we discussed a few conversion specifiers. They are also known as “argument specifiers”. Here is a summary on some basic argument specifiers:
Basic String Operations
***** Please note that indexing in Python, like most languages, start from 0, which means that if we need the 4th letter, we must give the index as 3 (0, 1, 2, 3 ). *****
***** If indexing starts from the end of a string, it begins from -1. *****
The following is a summary on the operations on strings that can be done:
So guys, that’s it for this post. I hope it helped you to develop your knowledge on Python further. Please try out the tutorial and check your answers from folder Python — 2 in and do your own research too. Till I meet you on the next one, Happy Coding! 🥰
Ciao… 👋
Originally published at on November 29, 2019.